Why Exactly is the Inmotion V8F the Sweetheart of Beginner EUC Riders?
Our friend Washington who’s recently started his journey as an electric unicycle rider listened to our advice and decided to dedicate some time to getting his bearings on the Inmotion V8F.
After a couple of months, Wash is already a huge fan of the freedom that personal electric vehicles (PEVs) bring. Follow him as he shares his experiences and honest opinion on the ever popular Inmotion V8F EUC.
Over all, Wash found that the V8F great for learning the ropes, it’s ultraportable, handles inclines easily, allows to explore different areas, increased with excellent manoeuvrability.
This vlog is a part of the PET x Worldofwash mini series called “First Taste” dedicated to a beginner rider’s experience of Electric Unicycles. While we’re huge fans of Kuji Rolls, Hsiang and Chooch’s youtube channels, we thought that it’s pretty important to show people what it’s really like to start from 0 on the learning curve of these micro-mobility machines.
Wash will be getting to know each of the electric unicycles stocked by PET while getting familiar with different riding situations in the UK.
Tell us what you’d like to know about riding electric unicycles by commenting below or emailing us at hello@personalelectrictransport.co.uk and we’ll do our best to answer in the next vlog!
If you’re interested in learning how to ride an EUC, book a test ride on a Saturday at our Leyton Showroom in London.
Ride Safe
⚡️ Team PET
Here are some other useful articles about Electric Unicycles:
The Protective Gear Guide
Why I Decided to Start Riding EUCs and Why You Should Too