Electric Scooters are still an expensive item and should be properly maintained to ensure that you get the highest possible value from your investment. By maintaining your e-scooter correctly you can extend the life of your vehicle and save yourself the headache of having to pay for replacement parts.
General Cleaning
Keeping your electric scooter clean is essential preventative care. By cleaning your e-scooter after each ride, you will prevent buildup of debris and dirt that could lead to more serious issues.
When cleaning, make sure to not use high power water or jet stream hoses as the water will infiltrate the electrical components and cause damage. Also, you don’t want the water to remove the lubricant from the bearings, which will cause them to move slower and possibly corrode.
Use a toothbrush and warm water to wash away any dirt, sand, or other debris that has gathered under the deck. Once complete, remove all remaining moisture with a dry towel.
Another preventative step that you should take is not to leave your scooter out in the elements. Exceedingly hot weather could cause the battery to degrade as well as disturb the electrical components. Also, any precipitation could harm the electrical components or cause the body to rust.
General Inspections
The main things that you’ll want to check are all of the bolts, check to see that they are all properly tightened and that nothing is coming loose. For the brake pads, (Egret TEN) you’ll want to inspect for excessive wear to prevent damage to the tires.
It’s also a good idea to read through the instruction manual that came with your electric scooter and see what other preventative care the company who manufactured the scooter recommends.
Most brands of electric scooter come with hard rubber wheels and do not require too much attention. Inflatable wheels make the ride much more comfortable but it also requires a lot of care. In your instruction manual, you will find the proper psi for your tires. Check them weekly to ensure that the psi is correct.
Check all lights works properly, we do recommend to have the lights always turned on, even in day light, it’ s really important make your self visible to others. PET stocks additional lights for those who enjoy riding at night.
Taking steps to prevent battery degradation will result in a much better functioning electric scooter.
Always keep your battery fully charged when not in use. Also, store your battery at room temperature. If the battery is exposed to prolonged heat or coldness, it could result on decreased functioning.
If you notice that your battery is working poorly, perform a full conditioning cycle. To do this, run your battery until it is completely empty and then charge it back to full power. This will fix many small problems, similar to a computer reboot. You may have to do this two or three times to achieve the desired effect.
After riding in wet or rain it’s important to remove all remaining moisture with a dry towel before storage.
Now that you got your head around the basics of e-scooter maintenance, enjoy the ride!
⚡️Team PET
If you have any questions about electric scooter care, drop them in the comments. For any specific tutorials you would like us to create get in touch.
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