In the UK at the moment it’s very rare that we get to an opportunity to ride out with our likeminded buddies, trailblazing in the way of clean transport.
Earlier this month PEV Connect UK teamed up with CycloPark Gravesend to host the All PEV Summer Finale.
Folks on all different personal electric vehicles came down for loads of fun on the track.
It was awesome to have such a good turn out, around 100 riders came to share this amazing circuit on a lovely day with perfect riding conditions.
As usual there were good vibes all round and everyone was respectful of each other and of the space.
What is really encouraging is the ongoing respect between everyone.
A Sign Of Future Times
The riders really wanted to keep CycloPark happy as well as make sure that slower riders, carvers and families were comfortable. Especially when the space was shared.Time and time again rides like the All PEV Summer Final really proves our theory. If sensible people were given the opportunity to do their bit in helping the environment by riding PEVs on designated infrastructure then it would work.
We look forward to a time when we laugh at the silliness of the attitude of the government and a small group of whinging naysayers were at this game changing technology.

The hoard of riders before things got rad!

Rolling with the pack

Was pretty cool to see a few Namis using their full power around the track

Riders of all different PEVs giving each other space, respectfully.
Of course to keep things safe you should always have the correct gear for riding.
Here’s some equipment that we suggest you bring along to the next PEV Connect event!
HillBilly Wrist Guard Gloves