So you’re now an electric scooter owner? What next?
Making the decision was one thing, but what are the next steps now that you’re e-scooter owner?
In this blog we’ll cover the basics of what you need to know as a new electric scooter owner.
We will be covering the following topics:
- How to set up your scooter
- How to check over your scooter
- Where to ride
- How to ride safely
- What protection you will need
- Accessories

Read Your Scooter’s Instruction manual
Now that you’re an electric scooter owner, as excited as we know you are to get riding, we recommend that you check out your scooter’s instruction manual. It will provide details on how to assemble and set it up correctly, how to use the scooter properly and safety information, how to maintain it. All these details will be important you as the rider and also the performance and longevity of your electric scooter.
Know Your Electric Scooter Specification
Following the instruction manual we recommend checking out the scooter specification (which can be found in the user manual, original company or the PET website). This is something you’ll want to be aware of ideally before you purchased your e-scooter or at least before you set off on your journey for the first time. The specification gives general but useful guides of your top speed and range and will help you to prepare for your first couple of journeys.
Setting Up Your New Ride As An Electric Scooter Owner
The first thing you will want to do when you get your scooter is to plug in to charge, as charging will on average typically take around 8hrs to fully charge. Once your charger is plugged in, you should see a red light on the charger, the red light will turn green when finished charging. While you’re waiting for your scooter to charge you’ll have plenty of time to check out all the other essentials.
Check Your Over Your e-Scooter
Before riding your scooter for the first time and every time before you set off on your journey we recommend to check over you scooter.
This is a good list to check:
- That there are no abnormally loose or moving parts such as screws, nuts, bolts or cables cables,
if there are just give those a tighten up - For Unusual sounds or squeaks or creaks
- That your brakes are in good working order
- The wheels/tyres, make sure there is the correct amount of air pressure installed in the tyres (found in the user manual)
This makes for a safer more comfortable ride and reduces the chance of getting a puncture – saving you a lot of hassle!

Now that you’ve purchased your electric scooter, set it up and are ready to ride, but there is one very important step – and that is to get your protective gear on. At PET we recommend all personal electric ve
hicle riders to wear basic and essential protection as a minimum when riding their scooters, Onewheel, e-skates or electric unicycles.
Our basic, essential protection, includes a helmet of any type and gloves of any type. You can check out our in depth blogs for more details on protective gear for PEV riders.
Protecting both our head (especially our head) and our hands is the number one, important priority when riding any electric
micro-mobility. We strongly recommend you to make it your instinctive habit to wear your helmet and gloves, any time you are riding whether you’re just going for a short ride to the shops, to meet your friends or taking longer commuting trips to work etc.
Read more about protective gear
How To Ride Safely
As a general rule we highly recommend you to consider yourself as a cyclist. Follow the same rules as a cyclist when riding your e-scooter.
Always ride on the roads, never on the pedestrians foot pavements/paths. Respect the pedestrians and the pedestrians will respect you. When on the roads try to use cycle lanes where possible and when there aren’t any cycle lanes always stick to the left of the traffic in the bus lanes. Although it may feel intimidating on the roads, just remember all cyclists are doing the same, even the casual riders on hired bikes. Along as you stick to the rules of cyclists and ride safely you will be fine.
During the autumn and winter months if you’re planning to ride, we highly recommend riding with more caution at all times. Wet leaves, icy conditions, black ice, snow and manhole covers are some of the most dangerous obstacles that you will want to be aware of, as they are likely to cause your wheels to lose traction.

Where Can You Ride Your eScoot?
As it currently stands, privately owned e-scooters are illegal to be road on public roads and pavements in the UK. However, they can be ridden on private land or property with the owners permission.
Users must take full responsibility for their actions when riding.
Those who choose to ride, as we mentioned above, we recommend treating yourself as a cyclist and following the same rules as we mentioned above. Please do not ride on pedestrian pavements and ride responsibly.
Congratulations! You are effectively an ambassador for the future of transport. Every ride you go on gives people an impression, helping them make up their minds on what they think about electric scooters. May the force be with you!

The first accessories you will need as mentioned above are a helmet and some gloves for protection, are key to your safety. Other accessories we recommend are a higher mounted front light and rear light.
The following is a personal choice, but we recommend some kind of high visibility outer clothing and reflective clothing for night riders. During the colder months you might want a neck warmer, wind proof gloves and thermal clothing.
Check out PET’s extensive range of carefully chosen accessories.
Make sure to check out the user e-scooter manual and specification first, then set up your scooter correctly. Check your scooter over fully before you engage your first ride. Remember to give your ride a full charge and gear up for your safety! And of course add some accessories for a personal touch.
Always ride safely and responsibly and enjoy the freedom of green electric transport.
I hope this beginner’s to electric scooter ownership has been useful and you can take something away from it. If you would like to demo or purchase a PEV please visit or contact PET.
I can 100 percent recommend them for their awesome selection PEV products. They have excellent in house and servicing (the best in London) and warranty. Most importantly they are completely honest and transparent with recommendations to help you find the perfect ride.
Plus code: GOELECTRICLIFE will give you 5% off for your first purchase at check out!
If you would like to support my work please follow my social media below.
Feel free to me contact me with any questions, I will be happy answer and be of help where possible.
Instagram/youtube : @scooterlifelondon
Ride Safe,