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E-Scooter Law UK: Judicial Review Campaign ESDF-PET-Blog-Cover--


E-Scooter Law UK is Completely Nonsensical

We are into the final few days of fundraising to change the e-scooter Law in the UK with the ESDF (E-Scooter Defence Fund) which is working to request amnesty for electric scooters while the government sorts out their outdated laws.

However, we’re still a few grand short so we’ve started rattling the money tin…

So, here are a few points that need to be said:

  • All money raised goes towards the legal campaign, directly to the solicitors
  • If we fail to meet the target, all money pledged will be refunded and we are back at square one.
  • Should we make our target, this will launch the ESDF campaign which will last until we succeed in our aim to decriminalise the use of private e-scooters.
  • We need to combat the negative PR campaign waged against e scooters. We need our own people pushing the case for micro mobility and e scooters.
  • This needs to be an independent movement funded and steered by all riders and people in the industry.  This is not a PET thing.

So, what is the plan?

Should we hit the initial target, we can start the legal campaign.

The first and most important part of this will be to build a case for a judicial review.  This means lots of hours researching the law and how it is affecting people like you and me.

We will team up with other aligned action groups such as Rideables, MAG and Electric Scooters UK to focus our resources.

We will seek help from all interested parties to secure funding for the campaign.


So, what can you do?

We need your support – if you have not contributed, please visit the crowdjustice page and pop at least a fiver in the pot – every little bit helps.

Please share the Crowdjustice link as far and wide as possible.

Send emails to your scooter dealer asking them to support the campaign!  Many of them still haven’t!

As a final point, I would ask you to look at the news today.

The Inter-governmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has been published.   The conclusion is that, unless we act now, there will be irreversible changes to our climate that will affect human life on earth.

So we need solutions and Micro-mobility is one of them – the simple idea is that we don’t waste energy.  We don’t schlapp 2 tonnes of metal with us when we travel a few miles down the road to a shop!  We use vehicles fit for purpose – like E-scooters!!!

We now have access to all sorts of efficient lightweight sustainable vehicles that have a real shot of improving our environment on a macro and micro scale. 

Watch our video to hear from some people we ran into on our travels who say it much better than me.

Want to be a part of the change making community?
Donate here ⬇️–crack-down/

Want to know how to continue to take action?
Join the ESDF Facebook here

Read More
How We’re Challenging Scooter Laws UK Police Crackdown